Is Baker Park too crowded? Looking for some interesting elevation elements? This might be the course for you!
Conveniently located on the northwest side of Calgary, David Richardson Memorial is a well-maintained course with scenic views of the city and tests a great variety of shots. There are blue (long) and red (short) tees available.
Parking is a bit from the first tee. I definitely recommend UDisc for finding the first hole, and for finding some other holes throughout the course.
Wind will almost certainly be a factor, especially on the back nine, so be prepared for that element also! The rough can definitely be rough in the summer, finding discs will be easier in the spring and summer.
Shoutout to MeepMeep for helping my husband find his favorite tye-dye Champ Leopard a few times in the leaves! Such a time saver.
Definitely another course to check out if you're in the Calgary area. Enjoy!! And until next time…get out and throw!